Beyond individual rights are social and collective rights. Classic examples of this category are environmental rights and consumer rights. In Brazil, there are important laws aimed at securing the protection of such rights, and the Brazilian Constitution has established procedures for safeguarding these rights, allowing for the development of a legal regime that is particular to the sphere of collective rights. Among the relevant laws in this area are the Laws of Popular Action (No. 4.717/65), Public Civil Action (No. 7.347/85), National Policy on the Environment (No. 6.938/81), the Statute on Children and Adolescents (No. 8.069/90), the Code of Consumer Protection (No. 9.078/90), the Administrative Misconduct Law (8.429/92), Economic Order Law (No. 8.884/94) etc.
Owing to solid theoretical preparation and practical experience from guiding various disputes at the national and local level, the legal professionals of PIZA ASSOCIATES are fully qualified to vigorously represent the interests of clients in class actions, injunctions, collective actions, administrative misconduct, administrative proceedings and claims involving environmental issues, administrative proceedings involving questions relating to consumer relations (including Procons, the Consumer Protection Law) etc.